more mentions in one tweet
It's been updated to 15 mentions per thread, 5 per tweet.
Hopefully this is enough for now!
ASR High-Tech
Tim: Thank you Tim !
Yesterday, the limit was 10 per thread, and it wasn't enough for me. Today, it's OK, I need 12 mentions (but a lot of persons hasn't a Twitter profil).
I will see during next weeks and months if it's enough for me, and I will tell you if I had new troubles. We could talk about this limits 😉
So, thank you very much for your support !
in progress
Hey ASR High-Tech,
Yes, we reduced it because we were having some issues with Twitter and it's API. If we increased it to 2 per Tweet would that be better for now?
Let me know and I'll do it asap.
ASR High-Tech
Tim: Hey Tim,
Thank you for your answer. Actually, I need 5 mentions per tweet.
I understand that you must have trouble without restriction, but just 1 mention per tweet isn't enough for me.
I explain : I share informations about comics and autors, and about shop where they dedicate, and the editor. So I need at least 3 or 4 mentions per tweet (if there is 2 persons who write the book, scenarist and drawer).
Maybe a limit at 10 or 8 should be a better compromise ?
ASR High-Tech: Hey there,
Alright thanks for the feedback. I've increased it to 5 per tweet & 10 per thread.
Let me know how it goes!
ASR High-Tech
Tim: Hey Tim,
Thank you for your support.
Sometimes, it'll be OK with these restrictions, but sometimes no.
Here is a thread that I've realise with your fabulous tool, so you can understand why mentions restriction are troubles for me :
And another older here :
If the limits are 5 per tweet and 10 per thread, i won't be able to make threads like those again. And it will ask me more work to share best informations to my followers.